Ricardo Vasconcelos


Email: [email protected] | Office: AL 134B | Phone: (619) 594-6583

Ricardo Vasconcelos, Ph.D. (UCSB, 2010) is aprofessor of Portuguese and Brazilian literature and culture, as well as Portuguese language. His areas of research and teaching include 19th to 21st-century Luso-Brazilian poetry and prose; representations of national identity in Luso-Brazilian cinema and music; textual scholarship; the use of multimedia in foreign language learning; program development. He is the author of Campo de relâmpagos – Leituras do excesso na poesia de Luís Miguel Nava, among other publications. He is currently researching on topics of Luso-Brazilian Modernism, anthologies of 20th-century poetry, and the redescription of Portuguese national identity in a time of financial crisis. 

Learn more about Dr Vasconcelos by visiting his profile on academia.edu.