Protect the health of public populations across the globe by earning your B.S. in Public Health through SDSU’s Online Degree Completion Program. Designed in partnership with SDSU’s School of Public Health, this two-year program is designed to help you earn a valuable degree that will prepare you for a career that bridges the gap between biological and social sciences. You’ll learn how to solve healthcare-related problems, communicate health strategies to diverse populations, and develop programs that will promote health equity and community wellness.

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Health communication topics to include patient-provider communication, health communication campaigns, supportive relationships, and public policy. Research methodologies, theories, and best practices in health communication.
Population dynamics, vital statistics, global disease patterns, and analysis of variations among nations and cultures with respect to health problems and health care services. Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.
Development of sexual values, attitudes, and behaviors across ages, including evolution and occurrence of sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Focus on biological, medical, psychological, sociocultural, and political factors.
Study of communication with emphasis on influence of cultural background, perception, social organization, language and nonverbal messages in the intercultural communication experience.
Art, folk, popular, and sacred music case studies drawn from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the United States with attention to the relationship between culture, history, and music. Concert attendance required in Fall and Spring semesters.
Food and nutrient classifications, functions, requirements, and recommendations. Relationship of nutrition to health, fitness, performance, and disease. Menus and recipes, food packaging labels, nutrition literature.


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