Program Cost

Fall/Spring: $9,000.00

Start earning credits toward your SDSU undergraduate degree by joining the SDSU Undergraduate Pathway Program!

Accept SDSU offer and enroll in UPP

Apply to SDSU UPP

Learn more about SDSU UPP


SDSU’s Undergraduate Pathway Program (UPP) guarantees students admission into an SDSU degree program upon successful completion of their UPP studies. One advantage of the SDSU UPP is that students have the opportunity to begin earning credits towards their SDSU degree program prior to matriculation. The SDSU UPP combines SDSU’s credit-bearing courses with additional ESL instruction, one-on-one academic advising, and immersive academic and cultural experiences. Our dedicated SDSU UPP team will help students smoothly transition into life as a student in the United States and at San Diego State University.

If students would like to focus on improving their academic English before enrolling in any SDSU credit courses, we invite them to apply to our English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Eligible international students can receive conditional admission through the EAP program without taking any SDSU credit-bearing courses. Visit our EAP page for more information.

Contact Information

Contact one of our UPP staff if you have any questions regarding this program.
WeChat: ALIsdsu



San Diego State University has designed a comprehensive Undergraduate Pathway Program (SDSU UPP) to help international students transition from an academic preparation program to an SDSU degree program. This program is designed for international students who want to apply to SDSU as first-time freshmen but don't currently meet the SDSU minimum English language proficiency requirements.

While enrolled in the SDSU UPP, you’ll be able to take between 3 to 12 units of credit-bearing SDSU classes in the spring or fall semesters, and 3 to 6 units in the summer semester. You'll be placed into one of three different UPP tracks depending on your current English proficiency level. Through a suite of comprehensive student services – including ESL classes, university support classes, academic advising, and homework tutoring – SDSU Global Campus will provide you with the support you need to get the most out of your time as an SDSU UPP student. Best of all, the credits you earn in your program will count towards your graduation requirements at SDSU - which means that you can get ahead and graduate sooner.

Once you fulfill all the program requirements, you’ll be able to:

  1. Matriculate to SDSU for full-time undergraduate study; or
  2. Advance to a higher track within the UPP program.

Apply Now

Contact one of our UPP staff if you have any questions regarding this program.
WeChat: ALIsdsu


UPP Requirements

There are three different tracks for the UPP program. Students will be enrolled in a specific UPP track based upon their English proficiency level.

SDSU Global Campus will give students a placement test before the start of the semester for the purpose of advising and class placements. Students will also be assigned a certain number of ESL support classes according to the number of SDSU courses they are enrolled in, as well as their English proficiency.

Each semester, students will enroll in a set number of credit-bearing units, depending on which track they are in.

  • Track A: 6 Units
  • Track B or C: 3 Units
  Track A Track B Track C IEP Only
Minimum English Proficiency TOEFL 71 - 79
Duolingo 95 - 100
TOEFL 61 - 70
Duolingo 85 - 90
TOEFL 49 - 60
Duolingo 80
No minimum required
Maximum credits earn towards degree per semester 12 9 6 0
Program schedule Preset Preset Preset Preset
Length of program (Before matriculate) 1 semester (spring or fall) 2 semesters 3 semesters Varies
Progression Requirements See Matriculation and Progression Requirements for more details

Matriculation and Progression Requirements

At the end of each semester, students who fulfill all program requirements can 1) matriculate to SDSU for full-time undergraduate study; or 2) progress into a higher track within the UPP program.

  Track A Track B Track B Track C IEP Only
Progress into SDSU SDSU Track A Track B or A Track C or B
SDSU Classes GPA1 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.0 - 2.5 N/A
ESL / Supportive Class GPA 3.0 (no grades below 2.7) 3.0 (no grades below 2.7) 3.0 (no grades below 2.7) 3.0 (no grades below 2.7) 3.0 (no grades below 2.7)
Waiver of English Proficiency Complete during the program Need to provide proof of English proficiency2 N/A N/A N/A

1 Some majors and colleges may require a higher GPA for admission into their programs in their junior year (3rd year). SDSU Global Campus will make you aware of any higher GPA requirements upon arrival.
2 Provide TOEFL (80), or IELTS (6.5), or Duolingo (105)

Apply Now

Contact one of our UPP staff if you have any questions regarding this program.
WeChat: ALIsdsu



Sample Curriculum

Please note that schedules can vary each semester - check with one of our UPP Advisors for the most current schedule.

Track A SDSU Classes ESL Supportive Classes
First semester GEN S 150
TFM 160
LING 251
University Success
Research Skills
Track B SDSU Classes ESL Supportive Classes
First semester PSFA 280
LING 101
TFM 160
University Success
Research Skills
Academic Reading & Writing, and/or
Academic Listening & Speaking
Second semester GEN S 150
LING 251
University Success
Research Skills
Track C SDSU Classes ESL Supportive Classes
First semester PSFA 280
LING 101
Academic Reading & Writing,
Academic Listening & Speaking
Communicative Reading & Writing
Communicative Listening & Speaking
Second semester GEN S 150
TFM 160
University Success
Research Skills
Academic Reading & Writing,
Academic Listening & Speaking
Third semester LING 251
University Success
Research Skills

Other GE classes include (but not limited to):

  • ECON 101
  • ECON 102
  • SOC 101
  • HIST 100
  • REL S 101
  • COMM 103

If students have been admitted to the program and decide before the add/drop deadline that they do not want to take any SDSU classes after arrival, they will be placed into a full-time Intensive English Program (IEP).

Apply Now

Contact one of our UPP staff if you have any questions regarding this program.
WeChat: ALIsdsu

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