2024 Summer
OF 0012.39 Life Review: Putting your Life in Perspective

Now that you have lived a long and rich life, how can you harvest your wisdom and experience, make sense of it, and use this to live your life more consciously? One way is through “life review” - an inventory of the key events of your life and your responses. Join this two-part workshop to learn the benefits of life review and do exercises to get you started. When your life review is complete, you’ll look for different patterns as well as unresolved conflicts. This new perspective will guide you as you move forward.

Course Date(s)
July 22 - July 29
2024 Summer
OF 0013.148 Journey Through the Middle East: A Visual Tour

Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. Do you ever wonder about what that area of the world actually looks like? Why is it a tourist hot spot for sophisticated travelers? Many of us have studied the Middle East in a variety of educational contexts. We are aware of the conflicts. But we could all benefit from one: traveling there, or two: being taken there via this photo presentation. See some spectacular venues, and discuss the (primarily non-political) history of the "Bible Belt." Enrolling in this course will yield the ability to think and communicate about the Middle East more intelligently.

Course Date(s)
June 17 - June 17
2024 Summer
OF 0013.147 Crime and Punishment in Prohibition Era San Diego

Today the media plays up rising crime statistics (which are not actually true) and seem to invoke a culture of fear. But what do we know about crime in its early eras? In the course, students will learn about the alarming crimes committed in supposedly bucolic San Diego in the early 1930s. Students will be immersed in murders, kidnappings, and police corruption rampant in Depression-Era San Diego. Not just a listing of crimes, the class will dive deep into the music, mores, and culture of the period.

Course Date(s)
June 17 - June 24
2024 Fall
OF 0013.146 Navigating News in the Digital Age

In an era where the media's influence is unparalleled, it's crucial to understand who shapes today's media landscape. We’ll uncover the intricacies of news consumption, and the nuances between fake and real news while examining its origins and influence on our society and global landscape. Join us for an enlightening journey where we examine the multifaceted nature of news sources, each with its own unique agenda. Discover how you, as an engaged citizen, can navigate the media landscape, whether you prefer CNN or Fox, The New York Times or Wall Street Journal, or tune in to NPR or Tucker Carlson. This candid and honest course invites you to join a thought-provoking conversation about the evolving role of media in our lives. Gain the tools to critically analyze news, decode biases, and make informed decisions.

Course Date(s)
August 7 - August 7
2024 Summer
OF 0013.145 The Long and Winding Road: The Story of the Beatles

Learn the story of the most popular band of all time, The Beatles. This lecture will cover all the highlights of the group’s illustrious career from birth to their eventual break-up in 1970. Topics include the pre-fame period and their rise out of obscurity in Liverpool to their meteoric ride to the top of Pop! This multimedia lecture will cover all the important milestones along with the little-known facts and stories of the Fab Four.

Course Date(s)
July 23 - July 23
2024 Summer
OF 0013.144 A Quartet of Balboa Park Garden Makers

Have you ever wondered who created the beautiful gardens and landscapes of Balboa Park? The influence and inspiration of four creative, individualistic, stubborn, and opportunistic garden makers live on in San Diego's great park. John Morley devoted 27 years to the Park, while Richard Requa passed through like a fast-moving storm. Kate Sessions employed a regional sensibility in her plant choices. California newcomer, Paul Thiene, looked for the showy and colorful. Each garden maker followed a different path into the Park. Each brought a unique bundle of experience and training to their work. A collective look at the contributions of this tenacious foursome offers new perspectives on the design and greening of Balboa Park and shines a light on many of the features park visitors enjoy today.

Course Date(s)
July 11 - July 11
2024 Summer
OF 0013.143 Benjamin Franklin - America's Original Renaissance Man

Scientist, writer, publisher, diplomat, inventor, businessman – in his long life of 84 years, Franklin did them all. He was the world's most famous scientist, yet he also contributed to the Declaration of Independence, convinced France to become our ally during the Revolutionary War, and helped craft the compromise that enabled the Constitutional Convention to produce the Constitution of the United States. We examine the life of the witty, brilliant, and at times irascible Benjamin Franklin, who as much as any Founding Father shaped our national identity.

Course Date(s)
July 8 - July 8
2024 Summer
OF 0013.142 Only Hope: My Mother and the Holocaust Brought to Light

Before she died in 1974, Felicia Bornstein Lubliner wrote about her internment in ghettos and concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Poland, powerful stories shedding light on her experiences and indomitable spirit, telling a story that Rabbi Dennis J. Eisner described as “deeper than a number—6,000,000—giving us a human touch in the midst of inhumanity.” Her son, Irving, will share excerpts from her book, “Only Hope: A Survivor’s Stories of the Holocaust.” You will learn about the Holocaust through his mother's eyes, as well as how he, the child of two survivors of Auschwitz, was impacted by his parents' experiences.

Course Date(s)
July 16 - July 16
2024 Fall
OF 0013.141 Osher Book Club: Revisiting the Classics: "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Have you ever read the American classic "Life Among the Lowly"? Or perhaps you know this book by its alternate name: 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin'? Whatever its title, this novel, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852, had such a powerful anti-slavery message, it is said to have “helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War.” "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" was an immediate success and became the second best-selling book of the 19th century in the U.S., ranking only behind the Bible in number of copies sold. Join us on April 17 for a lively discussion on this controversial “classic.”

Course Date(s)
August 7 - August 7
2024 Summer
OF 0013.140 Alfred Hitchcock - His Life and Films

Alfred Hitchcock was probably the best-known filmmaker of the twentieth century. His biography, fears and foibles are all seen repeatedly in his films. This brief course will touch briefly on his life and go into detail on several key themes in his films. Class members will view several excerpts from his work which exemplify these themes and learn to recognize them in many of his films. You might even learn about the term “macguffin.”

Course Date(s)
June 18 - June 27
