2023 Fall
OF 0013.107 A History of the U.S. Flag

The United States has had a variety of flags that came from the founding colonies through the establishment of the flag we know today. In this course, we will explore the history of the American flag, from its humble beginnings as a patchwork of colonial flags to the iconic stars and stripes we know today. We will examine the different flags that were used during the American Revolution such as the Grand Union Flag, Gadsden Flag, and the Appeal to Heaven flag. We'll learn about the myths and misconceptions surrounding the flag's creation, as well as its symbolism and role in American culture.

Course Date(s)
October 4 - October 4
2023 Fall
OF 0013.106 Cuban Women's Movements in the Early 20th Century

Discover the captivating and often overlooked history of the vibrant Women's Movement in Cuba during the early 20th century.

Did you know that Cuban women enjoyed rights comparable to those the ERA could have granted American women? However, Cuban feminism extended well beyond suffrage, encompassing a wide array of societal changes.

Join us in this enlightening course as we delve into the compelling journey of the Women's Congresses held between 1923 and 1939. We’ll explore the remarkable efforts of politically and racially diverse women who courageously fought for reforms in family law, equal rights, education, social welfare, and labor legislation. We’ll also discuss the inspiring stories of these pioneering women and the invaluable contributions of their male allies in effecting legal changes and elevating the status of women.
Course Date(s)
October 25 - November 1
2023 Fall
OF 0013.105 Osher Book Club: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Join us for a discussion of John le Carré's classic spy novel Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. This gripping tale of betrayal and revenge takes place in the world of Cold War espionage, and it features a cast of complicated characters that will keep you wondering who are the good guys and who are the bad guys from one page to the next. This course is for anyone who is interested in spy novels, the Cold War, or John le Carré. It is also a valuable course for anyone who wants to understand the complex world of international espionage.

Sign up today and join us for a discussion of this classic novel.

Course Date(s)
October 26 - October 26
2023 Fall
OF 0013.104 The US Civil War: A Study in American History

The US Civil War was one of the most significant events in American history. It lasted from 1861 to 1865 and resulted in the deaths of over 600,000 people. The war was fought over the issue of slavery, and it ultimately led to the end of slavery in the United States. In this course, we will explore the causes of the Civil War, how it started, the major events that took place during the war, and the consequences of the war both then and now. We will also discuss the legacy of the Civil War and how it continues to shape American society today. This course is for anyone who is interested in American history, the Civil War, or the issue of slavery. It is also a valuable course for anyone who wants to understand the roots of some of the major conflicts that have plagued the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Course Date(s)
September 28 - October 5
Dan Pittman
2023 Fall
OF 0013.103 Osher Book Club: The Grapes of Wrath (Melanie Dunn)

Join your peers in the Osher Book Club to reread John Steinbeck's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Grapes of Wrath. This 1939 American classic explores the themes of poverty, classism, and the American dream, which are still relevant today. In this course, we will discuss the novel's plot, characters, themes, and historical context. We will also explore how the novel's message is relevant to our own lives and to the world today. This course is for anyone interested in The Grapes of Wrath, poverty, classism, and the American dream. Sign up today to join us for a discussion of this classic novel, which was the unanimous selection by the Spring 2023 Book Club members.

Course Date(s)
November 15 - November 15
2023 Fall
OF 0012.37 Medicare Advantage in San Diego: How to Choose the Right Plan, Medical Group, and Doctor

Are you a senior in San Diego who is looking to sign up for Medicare Advantage? This course will teach you everything you need to know about Medicare Advantage in San Diego, including:

  • Who should choose Medicare Advantage and who should not?
  • How to decide which Medicare Advantage plan is right for you?
  • How to choose the right medical group within a particular plan?
  • How to find the right primary care doctor for you?
This course will give you the tools you need to make an informed decision about Medicare Advantage in San Diego. Sign up today and start your journey to finding the right plan, medical group, and doctor for you!
Course Date(s)
October 4 - October 4
Jeff Mason
2024 Spring
SBCC 0001 SDSU's University Seal of Biliteracy and Cultural Competence (USBCC)
SDSU’s University Seal of Biliteracy and Cultural Competence (USBCC) is a digital badge and certificate that SDSU students can earn through participating in a cultural and linguistic immersive experience, and demonstrating working proficiency through the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) exam which includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking in a language other than English. SDSU's USBCC is a standardized measurement of bilingual and biliteracy skills, and is open to all students who meet the requirements, regardless of their pathways to proficiency in their languages.
Course Date(s)
January 2 - May 31
2023 Summer
NC 0332 Binary Stars and Alien Worlds: A Workshop-based Course - CEU
High school STEM teachers will learn the principles and techniques of astronomical research on binary stars and exoplanets, enabling them to engage their students with authentic research-based classroom experiences. Participants will collect and analyze their own astronomical observations and partake in activities that are inspired by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Course Date(s)
July 24 - July 28
2024 Spring
PM 0020 Agile Project Management
This course examines the theory and practice behind the Agile Scrum methodology. Following an overview of the basics and benefits of Scrum, we will track deeper into the Scrum standards and process including roles and responsibilities, ceremonies, and artifacts. Other topics include the impact of tangible and digital tools on the flow of conversation and collaboration within the Scrum team dynamic, as well the need to reconcile the "ideal" Scrum implementation with real-world constraints. Mapping Scrum to Waterfall and the critical need to integrate Scrum into the organizational culture will also be covered. This is an interactive course that utilizes small group collaboration activities in-class to further the examination of content.
Course Date(s)
April 4 - May 2
2024 Spring
PM 0004 Introduction to Project Management: Framework and Integration
This course is designed as an entry point into Project Management. Designed to develop an understanding of project management framework, project management standards, and the project management process groups. Some of the topics covered will include: terminology and definitions, the role of a project manager, benefits of project management, project life cycle and organization, and project management processes. A focus on project integration management will cover the development of a project charter, project scope statement, and project management plans. A group exercise focused on the development of the project charter will be held during the course.
Course Date(s)
January 16 - February 13
