HTM 0601.01 Leadership Explorations and Applications in HTM
Concepts, theories, and techniques of leadership as applied to hospitality, tourism, and recreation organizations, and businesses. Experience in teamwork, interpersonal networks, managing change and conflict, controlling environmental factors.
Course Date(s)

HTM 0602.01 Theoretical Foundations in Leadership and Management in HTM
Directed reading and discussion of textual materials designed as an underpinning for future coursework and analytical projects pertaining to leadership and management in the hospitality, tourism, and recreation professions.
Course Date(s)

2019 Summer
LATAM 0210 Intermediate Mixtec I
Further development of speaking and writing skills, both extended to discourse level and with emphasis on language of everyday life. Integrated approach to learning Mixtec to include awareness and appreciation of the Mixtec culture. Not open to students who have completed five years of high school Mixtec unless the fifth course was completed five or more years ago.
Course Date(s)
June 14 - August 17
2019 Summer
ASIAN 0490.01 Study Abroad in Asian Studies
Selected topics in Asian studies. Courses taught abroad in Asian countries through a program approved by Center for Asian and Pacific Studies to include SDSU faculty-led courses in these countries. May be repeated with new content. See Class Schedule for specific content and geographic location. Maximum credit six units of which three units may be applicable to General Education.
Course Date(s)
July 1 - August 14
2019 Summer
PSFA 0499 Special Study: PSFA 499
Individual directed study on topics within context of PSFA international studies minor. Maximum credit six units.
Course Date(s)
July 1 - August 14
ARAB 0101.02 Elementary Arabic I
Introduction to Arabic, with emphasis on language of everyday conversation. Focus on vocabulary and structures needed for elementary speaking, listening, and reading.
Course Date(s)

LM 0001 Lean Enterprise Certificate Program

Lean Enterprise Certificate Topics Include:

  • Orientation | Problem Statement | Teams | Metrics | Lean Simulation
  • A3 Thinking Overview | Problem Solving | Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)
  • Project Work: Naming the Scope | Coaching with Project Mentor & Management Stakeholder
  • Value Stream Mapping: Current and Future State*
  • Root Cause Analysis | Presentation of Data | Respect for People | Coaching Session
  • Kaizen Events | Administrative Lean (MBPM) Kata Simulation
  • Project Work: Understanding the Current State | Coaching Session
  • Visual Workplace | 5S | Kanban | Project Updates | Coaching Session
  • Standard Work | Changeover Reduction | PY | Cells | TPM*
  • Project Work: Implementation & Countermeasures | Coaching Session
  • Leader Standard Work | Daily Management Systems | Change Management | Sustainable Culture*
  • Final Project Presentations

* With Tours

Course Date(s)

B A 0630 Business Strategy
Contemporary frameworks used in environmental and industry analysis, organizational analysis, strategy formulation and implementation. Managerial issues from the view point of top managers, based on a long-term and multifunctional perspective of organizations and their environments.
Course Date(s)

FIN 0617 Financial Management II
Develops topics to include asset pricing, capital budgeting techniques, dividend policy and financing decisions, applications of options and futures, term structure of interest rates, regulation of financial markets, leasing decisions, and corporate control.
Course Date(s)

MIS 0749 Business Analytics
Business analytics techniques for predictive modeling and customer segmentation. Applications include churn management, business experiments, cluster segmentation, and market basket analysis.
