NC 0030 GRE | Graduate Record Exam Prep Sessions
Maximize your test-taking potential on the GRE. Classes provide you with over 20 hours of instruction including important in-class practice, take-home online computer practice testing and a free-repeat policy. Leading experts in the field of test preparation help you to review concepts and skills in the three subject areas on the GRE: (1) Quantitative Reasoning (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, data interpretation, and word problems); (2) Verbal Reasoning (reading comprehension, text completion, and sentence equivalence); and (3) Analytical Writing Essay Tasks (analyze an issue and analyze an argument). The book included in the course fee is the CliffsNotes GRE Testprep textbook written by the faculty of BTPS Testing, a GRE supplemental packet, and online GRE practice tests for enhanced home study.
Course Date(s)

2023 Fall
CM 0005 Effective Proposal Writing and Communication
This course will focus on writing effective proposals (cost and business volumes) and other communication topics encountered in the contracting environment. Topics will include effective solicitation review, proposal writing strategies and techniques, proposal review scenarios, and appropriate communication methods for various proposal and contractual situations. A number of case studies and hands-on exercises involving verbal and written communication scenarios will be utilized to emphasize key concepts.
Course Date(s)
September 19 - October 24
James Loiselle
PORT 0203 Intermediate Portuguese I
Continuation of first-year Portuguese. Practices of grammar, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Adoption of a communicative approach to develop intermediate-mid level skills in Portuguese. Not open to students with credit in Portuguese 204 or a higher-numbered Portuguese course.

Format: In Person

Course Date(s)

2023 Fall
LS 0008 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Get your Green Belt if you are going to be involved with any kind of process improvement project.

Green Belt Training & Certificate is an online, in-depth course that enables you to complete Lean Six Sigma process improvement projects from start to finish. Green Belts carry more recognition and can deliver measurable, sustainable improvement by finding the root causes of problems and streamlining processes.

Learning Objectives
After completing Green Belt Training you will be able to:

  • Define what Lean Six Sigma is, where it came from and why organizations benefit from it
  • List and describe the Lean Six Sigma Roles
  • List and define each of the 8 Wastes
  • Describe how to find and select a worthwhile Lean Six Sigma Project
  • Summarize the Lean Six Sigma Improvement method known as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control)
  • Describe how to create a project charter, gather the voice of the customer and build a high-level map of the process
  • Describe how to select measures, plan for data collection and collect baseline data about a process
  • Describe how to conduct process analysis, conduct data analysis and then brainstorm and validate root causes of process problems
  • Describe how to craft, filter and determine solutions to process problems and then mitigate the risks of process change
  • Describe how to create monitoring plans, develop response plans and document the project

Learn more about Green Belt Training.

Students receive 6 months of access upon registration.

Course Date(s)
August 7 - December 17
2024 Spring
CB 0001 Exploring Craft Beer

Exploring Craft Beer will take you on a journey through the world of craft beer and help you build a solid foundation for your future in the program. This six-week introductory course offers a 30,000-foot view of the industry while also covering 10,000 years of craft beer history. You’ll learn about beer terminology, beer styles, beer and food pairings, the recent craft beer revolution, and much more.

Whether you have been in the industry for decades or are a brand new beer enthusiast, Exploring Craft Beer will help you succeed in every other class in the program, from sensory courses to business classes. It’ll also open the door to an incredible networking experience, in which you’ll be able to connect with local craft beer professionals at all levels of the industry.

Course Date(s)
January 9 - February 13
Ben Probe
2024 Spring
MP 0106 Audio/Visual Basics
This course is a basic but comprehensive overview of the design and application of presentational technology for meetings and events. Content covered in this course will include audio visuals and their support mechanisms, common terminology, strategies for selecting the proper technology, as well as recommendations for selecting technology-based vendors and/or suppliers. It will provide instruction in the basic set up of AV and other technical advancements for the meetings and events industry.

Note: Students must attend all classes in order to pass the course.
Course Date(s)
March 19 - March 21
Timothy Altbaum
2024 Spring
WI 0023 Dynamic Wine and Food Pairing
In this four-day course, you will wine and dine your way through classic wine pairings. We will start with debunking wine pairing myths, then dive into the structure of wine and foods and how to pair the two. You will taste and describe the wines separate from the food. Then the fun begins, adding samples of various foods and re-tasting the wines! Our goal is to teach students how to identify what works, what doesn't, and why. With the knowledge of wine and food pairing, you will be able to elevate your guests' experience. This knowledge translates into higher sales and revenue, opens doors for career growth in all segments of the industry, and gives you the personal confidence to recommend pairings with ease.
Course Date(s)
January 17 - February 7
OL 0132 CompTIA Security+ SYO-401
Comptia Security+ is a vendor neutral security certification that tests foundation knowledge of security skills in a computer environment. This course exams control fundamentals and the CIA traid, along with the types of malware that can affect computer systems and the mechanisms and applications that can be used to combat this malware. This course will help to prepare the learner for the security+ SYO-401 certification.

Target Audience
Security professionals with a minimum of two years’ experience in IT administration with a focus on security who have day-to-day technical information security experience and a broad knowledge of security concerns and implementations.

Sample of Modules include:
Course Date(s)

ENGR 0018 Construction Materials and Processes

Examines the materials used to construct a variety of structures, highways, utilities, and residential buildings. Includes terminology; interpretation of plans; and specifications to assure that correct materials are ordered, applied, and utilized. Methods of identifying materials delivered to the job site, methods of handling, quality control procedures for testing, and inspection of private and government work will be emphasized. Special emphasis will be given to the relationship of each material to the Uniform Building Code.

Format: Online

Course Date(s)

INT S 0799B Thesis Extension
Registration in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also the student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis or project is granted final approval.

Prerequisites: Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP

Format: Online

Course Date(s)

