HTM 0655 Twenty-First Century Marketing in HTM
Advanced concepts and theories of hospitality and tourism marketing in the context of the fast-evolving sub-field of services marketing. Application of advanced marketing strategies to a variety of HTM businesses and organizations nationally and internationally.
Course Date(s)

HTM 0680 Mastering Technology in an HTM Operational Setting
Systems, techniques, strategies, and foundations of technology in hospitality, tourism, and recreation businesses and organizations with emphasis on performance metrics and system adaptability. Project oriented coursework with opportunities for system analysis, integration, and design.
Course Date(s)

PHIL 0329 Social Ethics
Ethical issues of contemporary life. Individualism vs. collectivism; democracy vs. dictatorship; ethical problems arising in law, medicine, business, government and interpersonal relationships.
Course Date(s)

MGT 0434 Business Negotiation
Origins and strategies of abstract and theoretical approaches to bargaining and negotiation in business situations faced by managers and leaders.
Course Date(s)

Wendy Patrick
MGT 0475 Leadership in Organizations
Leadership, communicating vision, initiating changes and innovation, and developing leadership competencies through self-assessment.
Course Date(s)

B A 0405 International Business Strategy and Integration
Integration of business administration principles and concepts for strategy design, implementation, and control, in domestic and global markets. Establishment of top management policy emphasized through case studies, experiential exercises, and simulations.
Course Date(s)

MM 0009 Developing an Integrated Marketing Plan

Gain knowledge and hands-on experience for exactly how to develop a successful, integrated marketing plan that can be immediately applied to a small, mid-size, or enterprise company. Topics include how to identify target audiences, business objectives, and marketing goals; how to develop strategies that are aligned with goals; types of media and how to integrate channels for the most successful results; tools and technologies to track performance; and how to present a plan to business executives and gain approval.

Course Date(s)

MM 0016 Content Marketing Strategy and User Experience

The days of running ads and hoping customers buy are long gone. Successful marketing today requires a more comprehensive, personal approach to reaching customers. Content Marketing has been around for decades, but now it's a key part of the modern marketing plan for many businesses and brands, both large and small. Learn what separates valuable content from noise, and how to develop content that connects with customers. In addition to developing a comprehensive marketing strategy, the course will emphasize the creation and delivery of digital content and explore how the user experience impacts engagement in the online world.

Course Date(s)

MM 0018 Public Relations
One of the most effective marketing tools available is the use of a strategic communications process that builds and manages relationships between an organization and its audience — public relations. In this course, learn techniques to help you research, plan, create, and implement public relations tactics.
Course Date(s)

Yadira Galindo
MM 0020 Media Buying and Selling
The most creative, engaging message in the world has no value if it doesn't reach the right audience. And proper media placement – whether you're on the buying side, the selling side, or even the creative side – requires a good bit of science plus human intuition. In this course, we'll look at how various media are evaluated, how media campaigns are built, and the roles and skills involved in being a buyer or seller. This industry is changing so rapidly that you'll discover concepts and tools that didn't exist five years ago: silos, Programmatic, OTT, Big Data, and more. Join us to discover how the best work of the "Mad Men" reaches your eyes and ears.
Course Date(s)

Lisa Ratcliff
