Excellent written and oral communication skills are critical to professional success in business, industry, and government. In an increasingly information-driven economy, good communication skills are in demand. The Certificate in Professional Writing program teaches you these skills and prepares you for a career in technical and scientific writing. Participants enroll in regular SDSU technical and scientific writing courses on a space-available basis through the Open University program. Gain valuable copywriting skills in these technical writing courses. Learn more about the Professional Writing certificate program by enrolling in these SDSU courses today.

To Register:
1. Find the list of courses required for the Certificate in Professional Writing at the Department of Rhetoric & Writing Studies (no application required).
2. Write down the required courses.
3. Log into the SDSU Global Campus Gateway and create an account if needed.
4. Select Open University registration.
5. Navigate through the schedule to select your courses and pay.

Questions? Contact program Director Linn Bekins at lbekins@sdsu.edu or call (619) 594-2211.

For general information, contact the SDSU Global Campus coordinator at outreach.global@sdsu.edu or call (619) 594-7700.

Additional information on Open University Certificate programs.


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