SDSU Global Campus and the SDSU Departments of Geography and Computer Science now offer a Certificate in Geographic Information Science focused on skills in geospatial technology. The certificate courses combine various aspects of computer science with geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, cartographic visualization, and data analytics. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, geospatial technology is one of high growth job areas. Learn more about the Geographic Information Science certificate program by enrolling in these SDSU courses today.

To Register:
1. Find the list of courses required for the Certificate in Geographic Information Science at the Departments of Geography and Computer Science Geographic Information Science Certificate (no application required).
2. Write down the required courses.
3. Log into the SDSU Global Campus Gateway and create an account if needed.
4. Select Open University registration.
5. Navigate through the schedule to select your courses and pay.

Questions? Contact the faculty advisors for the certificate program, Professor Piotr Jankowski at or (619) 594-0640 or Professor Carl Eckberg at or (619) 594-6834.

For general information, contact the SDSU Global Campus coordinator at or call (619) 594-7700.

Additional information on Open University Certificate programs.


Labor Analysis
GIS Specialist — Nationwide

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